Sunday, December 6, 2015

This has been a long week and as a result, my hair has become even longer.

This has been a long week and as a result, my hair has become even longer. It is getting really fuzzy. I gotta be careful with headbands or it leaves a dent. LOL. That doesn't happen. I hope when it gets longer that it parts the same way. 

I have gotten the staples taken out of my back. It has stopped leaking. The side is still leaking a little bit, but the doctor gave me medicine so that it doesn't get infected. Otherwise, the headaches seem better. I am so used to getting up and going about my life that I don't pay attention. Should I stop and pay closer attention or should I just keep going? 

Yesterday was the family Christmas (Kock/Merry). It was fun and Mom had a good time. The kids had a good time and so did I. The vest I am wearing, in the photo below, is from Grandma Judy. She also gave me a wonderful gift and I got some new color books. I love those, they are beautiful. The pictures come to life when I color them. 

Josh is probably going to miss Christmas and that sucks. He will still be in the hospital, instead of at Nana's. He will go directly from the hospital to CHS once again. Not coming home. It will be painful. Today Mom went to visit and he didn't even say anything when they left, he just got up and wandered off. He will get presents from other places and he will spend his valuable childhood Christmas in another place, again. It is so unfair to all the other kids. Holly will have a few nice things, but not like Josh. One of his teachers is getting him the hookup. 

We are going to go to Uncle Mark's this year. Mom wants to. She wants to do a nice Christmas this year. I suppose I can do that. Hopefully Mom doesn't kill Megan while we are there, or Tierra. OMG, I can imagine that weekend. Can't you. Mom sitting in a corner, staring at people. Evilly.