Saturday, April 30, 2016

It was a long dark day.  I was supposed to help Drea sell cupcakes today in Kingswood at the rummages.  Normally this would be a busy and somewhat anxiety filled adventure.  She needs to raise money for her and Carol/Victoria food truck.  It is interesting to watch them work, when they're baking.  Like last night.  I was making signs.. 😎 Using my creative side.  Doing what I do. They get this magic rolling.  Damn Robert. He's an idiot. But it rained all day today.  Like steady downpour.... ☔had to go buy an umbrella even.  It was cold too.  One of Dreas ladies didn't even open so I didn't have to do anything. I hung with Sonny and the kids... We went to a few rummages but I hate to be wet.  Boo 😱. Then mom got sad because she was alone so I had to bring her kids And now I am home alone.  Time to do homework.  Maybe accomplish something with my day.  😜

Beautiful Creature💙

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