Friday, April 29, 2016

So today I had to have another set of MRIs because after my shunt placement and the relief I had,  I've been having headaches everyday. There isn't anything I can do about it either.... I take medicine.  Nothing.  I lay down,  wake up and head hurts. I take PRN meds to help. Nothing.  So now I've been back to two Dr's and they think on of my caths is kinked.  I don't know what to think,  this isn't supposed to happen for eight years.  Nothing is suppose to happen for eight years.  And it happens now at the most inconvenient time,  when my mom is slowly but surely dying.  One day I am going to wake up and she's no more.  😨😱😰😞💙💔. Then every thing is going to change.  Mom is glue basically.  But Tierra isn't gonna have Mom on her side anyone to hear her out....  It will be what I say....once I get custody.  I don't know ,it's gonna be tough.  Moving with my ladies.  Moving on with my life. My head maybe hurts from all the stress and nothing is wrong.  😀. Wouldn't that be easy.  Huh?

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