Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Staples....New Solutions

The doctor and I have been playing tag all weekend, so after he was in surgery all night last night, I rushed to the office so he could see me. So there was a leaky spout and the doctor decided to use staples (4 of them) to close it. I hope this holds it closed. It didn't hurt when he stapled it yesterday day, but it is kinda sore now. It was funny, I am standing over the table, getting these staples and he is like "people usually scream when I do this" and I am standing there talking to Marley, who is coloring by my face. It was me at least. Mom is in the hospital now....has been for a couple of days......all the stress of Josh and taking care of me got to her, wore her down. She needed to take care of herself. Hopefully she will stop feeling bad for herself. I know that she is lonely now, but once tomorrow happens and we bring Douggie's surprise up to the hospital, that should make it a little better. He found an instructable about how to make fountre cookies with crescent dough. It should be fun. 

Now onto the "informal" Thanksgiving at Drea's. There is going to be a bunch of people coming and I am so excited. It will be with my entire "Family", The one I have created and the people who love me. This will be awesome. 

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