Wednesday, November 25, 2015


Last night, I went out with Andrea and Victoria and danced my ass off. I didn't push my limits. I didn't jump around, but I danced. I moved around and made sure that if I was getting uncomfortable, not to push it, but to go smoke a cigg. It was nice. I had an awesome time. I am glad I have the friends that I do. They are amazing and we didn't even go out for me last night, we went out for Victoria. Apparently she is feeling like one of her brothers which is crazy because all painted up last night, she looked amazing. She was dancing her ass off too.

Victoria is the one who's tongue is within thier mouth. Her husband made a remark about how women are always supposed tohave hair and that we are not as attractive without hair. She is feeling unpretty and that is not ok. We needed to go out and I am glad I got to go. Drea was a little more than drunk. She kept telling us she was going "downtown", It was so fun, I love them ladies. I am lucky to have found such wonderful frinds. 

We are doing a informal Thanksgiving becuase Vivotia works on Thursday because it is Black Friday and she is in charge of something......maybe importnat. She told me, not quite sure I remember. I do know she has to work. I know that we are going to have like 20 people. We are going to have Drea, Nunu and the girls, Victoria and her family, Nana and kids, Sonny, Marley and I and the few other people that we invited. It is going to be nice I hope. It will be amazing, trying to stay positive. I am making the vegetables because my man friend is so specfic about the vegetables because he does like sweet potatoes and Drea likes cranberry sauce. I am making potatoes because thiere like are 300 ways to make potatoes. I know it is funny but I really want potatoes now. it is shitty. BOOOOO. 

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